Belle + Bella is a platform that offers 100% Authentic luxury bags/items.
Our main objective is to promote 100% Authentic luxury bags/items, brand new, or preloved at an affordable price. We do buy, sell, and share. Please connect with us for more details.
We have experienced personnel to authenticate the bags/items.
Only bags/items that have passed our authentication will be put up for sale to ensure that our prestige customers are guaranteed on getting a genuine deal.
We promise a 100% money-back guarantee (Terms & conditions applies)
Belle + Bella also partners with Entrupy for authentication services at a nominal fees on certain brandings like Hermes, Chanel, Celine, Christian Dior and many more. Please whatsapps us at +65-8721-2731 for more details and our staff will be more than glad to service you.
Shop Policies
Buy, Sell, Share with care through Belle + Bella. Customers have the option to either sell their bags/items directly to us or opt for consignment.
You may chat with us via email / WhatsApp for more information on the “Share” services.
** All sales are final. No exchange, No refund.